Mercedes-Benz CapaCity L 4-door Bus 2014 – 3D Model
Formats: MAX, FBX, OBJ, TEX
Mercedes-Benz CapaCity L 4-door Bus 2014 is a low-floor articulated bus that was manufactured by Mercedes-Benz from 2006 to 2014. It is part of the Mercedes-Benz Citaro family of buses, and is designed for use in urban areas. The CapaCity L is 19.5 meters long and has a capacity of up to 191 passengers. It is powered by a 7.7-liter Mercedes-Benz OM 936h engine that produces 320 horsepower. The CapaCity L is available in a variety of configurations, including single-door, double-door, and three-door models. The Mercedes-Benz CapaCity L 4-door Bus 2014 is a popular choice for public transportation operators in Europe. It is known for its reliability, fuel efficiency, and passenger capacity. The CapaCity L is a safe and comfortable bus that is ideal for use in busy urban areas.
Mercedes-Benz CapaCity L 4-door Bus 2014 is a reliable, safe, and comfortable bus that is ideal for use in urban areas. It is a popular choice for public transportation operators in Europe and around the world.